If I was a baby I would hate to wake up in the morning in a crib. Oh, it's great at night it keeps me from falling on the floor but in the morning it's just not fair that all I can do is watch as my big brother plays with all the toys.
If I was a baby I would get really annoyed with people sticking their fingers in my mouth to feel my teeth. I don't get to stick my fingers in their mouths.
If I was a baby I would throw any baby-food given to me on the floor until I got pizza like everyone else. If they don't want to eat "chicken broccoli dinner" why should I?
If I was a baby I would feel the need to protest being changed, not being changed, being put to bed, waking up, having to take a bath, being taken out of the bath, I would want to rock with mommy but not go to sleep, I would want to play with my brother but get really angry when he tried to play with me, I'd eat my cookies really fast and then throw a fit when no one will give me theirs etc. etc.
If I was a baby I would have the sweetest smile that no one could resist and would make people forgive me anything.