Thursday, December 28, 2006

Too many toys!

The boys playing with the "Star fortress command center"

What on earth am I supposed to do with all these toys?
This is only half of Harry's pile, not half the toys, half of Harry's toys. I'm so lucky to have such great inlaws, we didn't have to buy anything if we didn't want to. I'd show a picture of me using my new shower head but this isn't one of those blogs.

Liam Triumphant!

Liam has learned to use the potty! I swear, the first time he went into the bathroom by himself without being asked, I heard the halleluja chorus. It's been a long road but I finally have a little boy instead of a baby.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Santa Baby

Harry decorating his first real Christmas tree. Actually he's probably taking things off but why split hairs.

The lights on Temple Square. This was my first time seeing them.

My saintly husband at Temple Square.

Funny things kids say.

My son Liam loves this show on the Disney channel called Handy Manny. Handy Manny fixes things, people call him and he comes and fixes anything.
So, Liam has been working hard to learn how to use the potty for the last few weeks. When we first started he would sit and sit and sit and nothing would happen. One afternoon he got tired of waiting and he looked down and cried "Mommy it's broken, we need to call Handy Manny!"

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Back

I took a little break from posting so I don't know if anyone still reads this. Hellooooo out there!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

If I was a baby.

If I was a baby I would hate to wake up in the morning in a crib. Oh, it's great at night it keeps me from falling on the floor but in the morning it's just not fair that all I can do is watch as my big brother plays with all the toys.
If I was a baby I would get really annoyed with people sticking their fingers in my mouth to feel my teeth. I don't get to stick my fingers in their mouths.
If I was a baby I would throw any baby-food given to me on the floor until I got pizza like everyone else. If they don't want to eat "chicken broccoli dinner" why should I?
If I was a baby I would feel the need to protest being changed, not being changed, being put to bed, waking up, having to take a bath, being taken out of the bath, I would want to rock with mommy but not go to sleep, I would want to play with my brother but get really angry when he tried to play with me, I'd eat my cookies really fast and then throw a fit when no one will give me theirs etc. etc.
If I was a baby I would have the sweetest smile that no one could resist and would make people forgive me anything.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cute naked baby!

People who don't have children may wonder why those of us who do, always have to take naked pictures of their babies. Look at him, isn't he cute.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I am Princess Leia

Minus the funky hair and clothes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Been a long time.

I don't really have much to say but I thought I ought to write something. Ummm.....something. Someday I'll have something interesting if I have the time to write it. I have to write a research paper on the effects of pornography on families. Wish me luck, I haven't written a research paper since I was 14.