Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weird dreams

I had some weird dreams last night. The first one I was at my parents house and my mom said she was going down to be with my oldest sister while she had a baby. Then she didn't come back. I was angry that she left since I was just visiting and had my kids with me and I felt like she didn't care about us. Then her and my sister came with the baby. The baby was super cute, her name was Maya but she spelled it Mya. The room my kids and I were staying in was also a candy store (not helping the diet much), and the kids kept eating things and I'd have to pay for it.

The second dream, we were getting our car fixed on Christmas day for some reason. But it was taking a REALLY long time. We had to take the car in to the shop before we opened presents. I kept trying to call people to say marry christmas but no one would answer their phone, and no one ever called me back. There was a moment that the lights went out in the shop and Molly got on the computer and fixed things to get our car done faster. It turned out the shop was siphoning gas from the vehicals and selling it and then charging people more because their car took longer to fix. I got into a fist fight with the shop owner and threw Strawberry soda ate him.
When we finally got home it was so late we told the kids we were going to make them wait till the next day to open gifts (it was Christmas remember). Then there was a knock at the door, Harry and I answered it and Harry was beyond excited to see........DEATH pretending to be the Hogfather. He brought us presents.

I'm losing my mind!

I want to eat!!!

I'm on day 4 of the low calorie part of the diet and I want to eat sooo bad. I am so addicted to food it's horrible. I want to eat cereal and sandwiches and donuts and chocolate and ice cream and cookies and anything else that I can get my hands on. I'm in no way hungry or in need of these foods. I just want them.
On the plus side I have lost 5lbs, woo-hoo!!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The HCG diet

When I had Molly almost three years ago, I had gained 20lbs during the pregnancy. After she was born the weight began dropping off with very little effort. I lost 40lbs by the time she was 6 months old. I was looking pretty darn good.
Then I had an episode of depression and was put into a mental hospital for a week. The medication I was put on caused me to gain weight. I was on it for a month and gained 20lbs. I tried dieting, I tried working out almost everyday, I tried everything I knew how to do and nothing worked.
Fast forward a year and I'm still holding on to those 20lbs. Then my Mom died. The depression sent me searching for food. Bread, cake, brownies, cookies etc. And I gained another 10lbs. Ugh!
So, now I'm 50lbs overweight and actually considered obese. I can't wear my regular jeans anymore and feel like garbage. The depression obviously hasn't gotten any better due to the exrta weight and the way it makes me feel about myself. I'm still pretty fit, but the weight just wont go!
I had been researching diets plans and such for a while and finally decided to take the plunge. I ordered the HCG drops a few weeks ago and did the preperations necessary to follow the plan.
I started the drops, 6 drops, 6 times a day, on July 26th. The first 2 days you are supposed to eat anything and everything and basically stuff yourself. It sounds weird I know but by the end of the second day I was so sick of food I didn't care that I wasn't going to be able to eat much of it in the next month.
On day 3 I began the super low calorie diet. 500 calories a day using only the approved foods. So basically I'm eating chicken, a few veggies and apples. The first day of this low cal stuff wasn't too bad. I had a few moments of craving sugar, and felt pretty hungry by bed time but not too bad.
To explain a little more about the HCG it is the hormone produced by pregnant women that helps sustain a pregnancy. It allows the body to used stored fat for nourishment and energy if the mom isn't eating the right things for the baby. So that's what it's doing for me. It's telling my body to use that stored fat instead of what I'm eating.
I will only be on the drops for 30 days, maybe a little more. And should lose at least 20lbs