Friday, December 28, 2007

I need a friend!

I love my husband, and I love my children, but I need another person to talk to and maybe see a movie with sometimes. Jason doesn't want to be my only connection to the outside world and I can't blame him. After spending all day with the under 5 set, I just want some time with someone who can wipe their own nose and carry on a conversation that isn't about spongebob.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Some pictures of our trip.

Molly loves her Daddy

Playing at Newport beach

Bein' Goofy

That's a BIG ant!

What's with the hair?

Our Thanksgiving rump roast

Molly on her blessing day

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Short update

We just got back from Disneyland and one of the worst drives of my life. I'll try to share some other time.
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Spiderman

"I have always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?"

Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm back!

So, after losing my computer for quite some time, it has returned and now I have to update on my little family.

Molly is all smiles......sometimes.

I'll have to finish this later, This is not one of Molly's happy times.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween piictures

Molly in her witch outfit.

Mmmmmm candy!

Cute pictures

Playing with Liam and Harry.

How cute is Molly?

After a bath.

What color is that?

I can't figure out what to tell people when they ask what color Molly's hair is. So, here's a picture of her head, I didn't use a flash, there are no lighting tricks, that really is what her hair looks like, streaks and all. What color is that?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

She's here!!!

On Monday afternoon at 1:10 pm Molly Flynn came into the world. She was born after only 5 1/2 hours of pitocin and she is wonderful. 7lbs 11 oz, 19 1/2 in. So far she's pretty easy going but I'm not dumb enough to think that she will definitely stay that way.

30 minutes old and getting to know Mommy.

After my first bath

Meeting my brothers (Mommy looks mad but she really wasn't)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Molly's Christmas dress

Grandma bought Molly her first Christmas dress

Is it not the cutest thing EVER!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I had some time alone with Harry today, so we decided to put together the bassinette. It is now sitting in the corner of my bedroom, I keep stairing at it and thinking "Oh my heck, we're having a baby!".
Harry was even less help putting the thing together than he was the last time I did it (the last time being when I was pregnant with him). At least then he didn't keep running off with my tools, and loosening bolts just as fast as I could tighten them. So, once we got it all put together I couldn't resist taking this picture.

He was so much smaller the last time he was in there.

A few days ago I took the boys to Babies r us. As soon as we walked in Liam got all excited and said "Mommy, it's a whole store for Molly!" Then he wanted to know what we were going to get her, he kept picking things up and and asking if we were going to get this for Molly. He finally settled on some pacifiers with pink stripped kitties on them. He is just so excited for his new baby sister.
Harry on the other hand would rather not talk about it. It took us forever to get him to even admit there was a baby in mommy's tummy. And now we are working on getting him to say her name. Even tho' he is perfectly capable of making the M sound, he calls her Lolly.
So for those of you just tuning in WE'RE HAVING A BABY! In less than 4 weeks! Her name is Molly, and we are soooo excited! At least Jason, Liam and I are excited.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Do four year olds really need ipods?

Liam has taken a liking to my ipod. He listens to The Wiggles, Veggietales, and Grandpa Carter. He learned all the controls faster than I did, but I'm not sure how he finds what he wants since he still pretends he can't read.
Next thing you know he's going to be asking for a cell phone.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


This is Liam's representation of himself. Notice he has no mouth but he was sure to put five fingers on each hand, and he gave himself a belly button.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Baby's car seat

I hate the boring plain patterns on most car seats, so i cover my kids seats to better reflect their personalities. Since I don't know much about this little one's personality yet she just got a cute baby pattern for now.

Of course that is isn't a real baby, I just needed something to adjust the straps, and she just looks so cute.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Our baby girl's first dress

I found it at a yard sale for fifty cents.


We went to a baseball game for Father's day (well the day before). Since it was before Father's day the were giving away ties at the gate, that's why Liam is wearing a tie.

The boys had a great time trying to stick the foam finger up their noses (and everyone else's)

Aunt Emily introduced the kids to blue cotton candy and blue sno cones!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I was wrong!

We are having a girl!! I was so sure that we were having another boy. Now I'm really confused. I don't know what to do with a girl, I have no clothes for a girl, I have nothing girly in my house at all.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just a little something

I just thought I write a little something since it's been awhile since I've updated. Nothing much different around here. I'm sick of school, my husbands never home, I don't like being a single mom, I'm in a lot of pain related to the pregnancy, basically I'm just feeling down about life.
On the up side of things, we get to find out what type of baby we are having next week, I already know it's a boy but just like the last 2 times no one believes me.
Liam can write his own name but won't do it. I was watching him play with a magnadoodle and he wrote perfectly L I A M. I've asked him to do it again and he refuses.
Harry's going through the tempermental twos, the slightest thing will set him off and someone better be there to offer a hug and his rocking chair.
I'll try to let everyone know after the ultrasound that I was right.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

When Harry doesn't get a nap.




Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Our very own blob!

Head, body, arms, legs, and a heartbeat. What more could you want.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Darkwing and Josh

My current favorite song and my all time favorite cartoon!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Our first trip to Disneyland!

Liam and Minnie.

Where are we?!

Harry the wizard.

Liam and Aunt Missy goofing around.

Harry was pooped by 5 o'clock.

Finally we got to see Mickey!

Friday, February 23, 2007

I'm Pregnant!

I am sick to my stomach, exhausted, achy, and gearing up for 8 more months of the same and then some. I'm so excited! I'm building a whole new person!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Liam's Career choices

He is working towards being a city planner........

.......or the next Jerry Lee Lewis.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

New Diapers

I've been sewing. These are a few of Harry's new cloth diapers.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

I want my baby

My "baby" is two years old at the end of the month. I need baby to fill my arms when I rock in the rocking chair. I need someone who will let me hold him while he sleeps and doesn't mind me smelling the back of his neck, I need that sweet baby smell. I need a baby to nurse when I'm up at 4am. I miss those first little smiles and giggles, those little sqeaky noises as he sleeps.
I understand newborn babies, I understand they need to be fed, changed, held and loved, and sometimes they need to cry. I can handle all that. I do not understand toddlers, they get upset over everything and there is nothing I can do, they have their own ideas about things, they don't want to be held for no reason, they don't want what you feed them, They don't want to be in diapers but they don't want to use the potty either, and I don't know how to help them.
There is only one thing to do about this problem. Make sure my toddlers are safe, warm and loved and have another baby.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year part II

Harrison celebrating.....
the new year.....
with some....
sparkling cider.