Saturday, December 03, 2005

What's wrong with me.

My husband and I were joking around and he asked what was wrong with me, so I said I could give him a list but it might take a while. He told me I should put it in my blog.
So, here it is the list of what's wrong with me.
-I'm lazy
-I eat poorly
-I don't exercise
-I'm overweight (that's kind of a given after those last 2)
-I don't like to do dishes (so I don't)
-I have a little bit of OCD (as Jason has learned the hard way I will remake the bed in the middle of the night, with him in it)
-I have severe postpartum depression
-I'm an insomniac
-I would rather play with playdough than clean the house (ok I'd rather do just about anything than clean the house)
-I'm a shopaholic (makes very little sense for someone with no money)
-I have no fashion sense
-I have a really hard time making friends
-I'm very insecure and need constant reassurance (especially when it comes to my cooking and the way I look)
I'm sure the list could go on if I really thought about it, but why would I want to. The good news is the list of what's right with me is longer and much more important. As for Jason, there is nothing wrong with him! He is practically perfect in every way (no wait, that's Mary Poppins).

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