Friday, January 12, 2007

I want my baby

My "baby" is two years old at the end of the month. I need baby to fill my arms when I rock in the rocking chair. I need someone who will let me hold him while he sleeps and doesn't mind me smelling the back of his neck, I need that sweet baby smell. I need a baby to nurse when I'm up at 4am. I miss those first little smiles and giggles, those little sqeaky noises as he sleeps.
I understand newborn babies, I understand they need to be fed, changed, held and loved, and sometimes they need to cry. I can handle all that. I do not understand toddlers, they get upset over everything and there is nothing I can do, they have their own ideas about things, they don't want to be held for no reason, they don't want what you feed them, They don't want to be in diapers but they don't want to use the potty either, and I don't know how to help them.
There is only one thing to do about this problem. Make sure my toddlers are safe, warm and loved and have another baby.


Anonymous said...

Girl, sounds like you have been bit by the baby bug.

Anonymous said...

your post made me laugh. toddlers are hard to understand.

Anonymous said...

I love the toddler stage (as frustrating as it can be), but I totally understand the want for a baby. I had the baby craving for my second son and boy, was it hard to resist! I'm so glad we have our 'whole' family now! I wish you the best ttc the next little blessing in your life!

Laura said...

Sometimes I have days like this. Then rhe next day I think Im not quite ready. As so it goes...back and forth. I wouldnt mind being preggo by fall though and a Spring 2008 baby sounds great!;)