Friday, December 28, 2007

I need a friend!

I love my husband, and I love my children, but I need another person to talk to and maybe see a movie with sometimes. Jason doesn't want to be my only connection to the outside world and I can't blame him. After spending all day with the under 5 set, I just want some time with someone who can wipe their own nose and carry on a conversation that isn't about spongebob.


ivygirl said...

I would love to hang out with you!!! With DH's work/sleep schedule and him starting school nights im gonna really need to get out with ppl and have some fun...

I even just went to deseret book and saw that they offer quilting classes and some others maybe you would be interested in???

If not there is always the dollar movie and apple crisp at denny's (so divine, lol)

sissyann said...

I think we all get to that point. When I am talking away to my husband and he suddenly says, "hu"? I just say.. that is why I have girlfriends!!!!