Tuesday, August 04, 2009

I want to go back in time.

I'd like the ability to go back in time to when my kids were babies. Everytime I need a baby to hold I can just go hold my own without having another one.
I love everything about having a new baby. The smells, the sounds, the cuddling, the cute tiny body parts, having someone to watch the Twilight Zone with at 2am, etc etc.
But hard as I try to keep them babies, they keep growing up. I love watching them grow up but a large part of me still needs a baby. Will I ever get to the point where I'm ok with not having a baby? Maybe I need a job where I take care of babies all day.


Sariah said...

Tell ya what. You raise them until they are about 2 and I'll take them after that! That way, you can still have a baby and I can have the toddlers.

Amanda said...

How about we trade back and forth. You can have them during potty training, then I'll take them for the first years of school, you can have them for the as teenagers.